French version
Our annual meeting of label, hangtag and fruit wrapper collectors took place in Niort on Saturday the 30th and Sunday the 31st of March 2019.
The Agenda for Saturday, March 30, 2019
For this 13th edition, J-Gabriel GIRAUDEAU volunteered to organize our annual meeting, in a beautiful and spacious room, located at 48 rue Rouget de Lisle, in Niort
17 collectors decided to come, and for the first time, we welcomed Robert FURIC, from Brittany, whom we know a lot about, because he is a very active trading partner.
Présents :

Élodie DEMARETZ, accompanied by her parents Jean-François and Dorothée

Francine HOENICKE and her husband Francis

Marie-Madeleine MURINGER

Jean-Paul JEGGY

Jean-Pierre BERNARD

Robert FURIC (1st participation)


Natalie VAN DAMME (Belgium)

Elisabeth PIERRET


Marco GANDINI(Italy) and his wife Nadia

Xavier HEYTE (Belgium)


Gérard BEIX

Nicole GAY


Despite the scheduled start time of 9 am, Francine showed up at 8:15am, certainly pressed to find the atmosphere of Legufrufolies after a few years of absence. It is also from her that we learn about the death of a Czech collector, Jiri TORN, in February of this year.
Beyond the trading and albums that pass quickly from hand to hand, it is always with renewed pleasure to meet, laugh and share in the art of one’s simple collection.

At 2pm, J-Gabriel opened the first general assembly of ACEFLA, created in March 2019.
General Assembly

President's Statement:
- Thanks to the collectors both current and loyal who have been following us for so many years
- Explanation and purpose of ACEFLA’s (Association of Collectors of Labels of Fruits and Vegetables and Agrumists in french) creation:
To give a legal framework for our small community
To allow for the financing of web hosting, meeting room rentals, and eventually fund the Sunday Lunch for all, or some, participants
To involve a modest number of collectors who use the site to manage their collection
As of April 5, 2019, the association had 32 members

Treasurer's Statement:
- There was difficulty in opening the account making it impossible, as of March 30th, to know the ACEFLA’s state of finances
- On April 5, 2019, the funds of the association amounted to € 434.51
- Thanks to the many contributors for their donations, we were able to gather a sum that amounted to 155 €
- Operational Fees total 170 €: for Internet hosting, 100 €; and about 70 € for account management fees & rental of the Niort room

The next general meeting
- La Bazoque in Normandy (France) to be hosted by Coralie and Didier SALAMON on April 25th, 2020
The Continuation of the day's proceedings on Saturday, March 30th, 2019
At 3:45pm, J-Gabriel solicited a couple of friends who came as visitors to be the judge & jury of a contest of the most beautiful presentations of artwork in légufru.
4 collectors presented their work:

A postcard arrangement and a reading of a humorous poem related to her collection

Elisabeth PIERRET
Artwork exhibited in 2018, embellished with a light tennis ball, also made of citrus wrapper, her specialty

Nicole GAY
A roll of toilet paper, on which 2500 labels are glued. Nicole is a collector of toilet paper and labels

Crate of faux apples filled with delicacies that she distributed to each participant

And this Year’s Winner was…. Carole! (To whom Nicole offered her work
At 5:00pm, the traditional group photograph was taken in front of the entrance of the room, under a radiant and warm sun

This year, we must salute the initiative of J-Gabriel, who sent his daughter Célie to guide some of the participants for a 3-hour walk through the streets of Niort

The meeting ended at 6:30pm, enough time to put the room in order for 7:00pm.
Then, in a car convoy, the collectors went to the center of Niort for a meal in a pizzeria
The Agenda for Sunday, March 31st, 2019
For a few years now, it has been a popular tradition to go visit a place conducive to the discovery of the region that hosts the meeting.
J-Gabriel chose a visit to the ‘Poitevin’ Marsh

At 10:30am, in Coulon, 2 boats and 2 guides awaited the 19 participants to then embark on a walk in the heart of its UNESCO World Heritage listed canals.
The group was truly taken aback by this journey, which took 1 hour and 45 minutes, meeting nature and many wild animals, that chance allowed us to see.
At 12:15pm, the restaurant "La Pigouille" greeted us for a meal of elaborate local specialties.

At 2:30pm, it was with a little sadness, as always, that we said goodbye, with the anticipation of the pleasure of meeting again on April 25th & 26th, 2020 in Normandy, with Coralie and Didier as the future organizers
They will be waiting for you at La Bazoque, village of Calvados and halfway between Bayeux and Saint-Lô, for the 14th Legufrufolies !!!