We have just participated, in the opinion of all, in a magnificent sixth meeting in Authie, that became the world center for stickers and fruit wrappers. For the second consecutive year, this charming village at the bottom of a valley witnessed the insanity of a handful of older children who refuse to grow up.
Here are the highlights and anecdotes of Authie 2011, Grand Cru Classé for labels.
The attendees :
Twenty-two collectors braved snow and blizzard, coming from five different countries;
The newcomers who will return:
• Lindsey BOGLE: A citizen of New Zealand living in the Netherlands. A collector of fruit wrappers, she brightened our meeting with her blue eyes, her kindness, her good humor .... and her perfect French.
• Moniek (Monique) BUCQUOY: A collector of fruit wrappers, on her arrival she declared herself a citizen of the Republic of Belgium. War between the Walloons and the Flemish? Surrounded by many Belgians I was not afraid as our meeting has only one country: legufrufolie and only one flag: the label!
• Max DANA: An eminent cancer specialist in active retirement, he observed from behind his little round glasses our collection of fools in the state of unsupervised freedom. After publishing "Cancer and the Ant", issued by Ile-de-France Publishers (help: is this relevant or funny???) he is already working on his next paper "Legufrulabelophilie, a new form of brain cancer? ". Accompanied by his wife Helene.
• Michele HOLTZER: Se was the divine surprise of Saturday, accompanied by her husband Jean-Franâois. A noted collector of fruit wrappers, she left late, overwhelmed by the atmosphere, and by meeting for the first time with correspondents she knew for many years without ever having to see them.
If we honor the newcomers, we must also warmly thank the regulars who are responsible for the success of our event.
(the number of participations in brackets )
• Xavier HEYTE (4), (Belgium) and his French friend Isabelle (1). Xavier, aren't there any women left in Belgium for you to steal our beautiful French women?
• Deborah WATHELET (2) and her mother Veronique (2) secretary of distinction (Belgium)
• Rony WOUTERS (4), (Belgium)
• Hans-Peter STEPPEN (4), (Germany)
• Nikolaus BIESENKAMP (4), (Germany)
• Nico VERSCHUREN (4), the world champion (the Netherlands)
• Gerard BEEKEMA (2), (the Netherlands)
• Carla and Piet Ridderhof (2), (the Netherlands).
The French
• Alain SQUADRELLI (3)
• Michel HAINAUT (2)
• Gerard BEIX (4)
• Jean-Franâois GIRARD (2)
• Maryvonne MIRANDA (5) and her husband Marcel
• Jean-Pierre BERNARD (3)
• Muriel BUSH (2)
• Gabriel GIRAUDEAU (6)
• Didier SALAMON (6)
Group Photo (missing: Maryvonne MIRANDA, Moniek BUCQUOYE, Michele HOLTZE)
The absent :
For various reasons, there were many this year. We have especially regretted the absence of our American friend Wojciech SLUSAREK, our three Spanish friends Pieter NIESSEN, Carmelo SACRISTAN and Miguel Sanchez, and Pascal CASSON, collector of wrappers who was missed by the group of citrus wrapper collectors.
Exceptional for the first weekend of October, and in stark contrast to 2010, it had the taste of summer with no hints of fainting to the end. The aperitif on Saturday night was drunk collectively on the green lawn, tables and chairs out for the occasion.
The atmosphere:
Always pleasant and warm. There are more than just meetings with collectors, there are reunions with good friends. Conversations, noise, laughter ... At midnight Saturday, there were still a dozen collectors. At 12:45 am, four were left: 3 Belgians (Deborah, Veronica, Rony) and one Frenchman (Didier). There was no question of letting the Belgians win and it was the Frenchman who came away alone and victorious from the room 1 hour later!
The shame of France :
Taken with a patriotic fervor, a few brave Frenchmen and women had risen early to attend the qualifying match between France and Tonga for the quarter-finals of the Rugby World Cup. The day before, Didier teased Lindsey, fan of all black, saying that France would beat New Zealand in the final on October 19. Result: Tonga 19 - France 14; Didier kept a low profile all day.
The invasion of MOPS :
It was the attraction of these two days. Isabelle, Xavier's companion, had made a rich harvest of them in Lorraine. In any case, they made very many people happy because these labels are prized for their originality and their way of ranking seven families in sets, with a beautiful collection available on the Internet.
The competition :
Traditional and much appreciated by our participants, it is a load of fun. Simplified this year, the competition was to present a work consisting of labels and wrappers and all participants were requested to vote. We still all remember the prize "Dupont Gold 2010" awarded to Xavier HEYTE.
10 works were presented. Xavier, honorable fifth, collapsed in tears at the foot of the stage for failing to keep the prize in Belgium. The trophy specially designed by Alain SQUADRELLI flew to the Netherlands.
Participated: Maryvonne, Jean-Francois, Carla and Piet, Moniek, Hans-Peter, Xavier, Nico, and
1st: Gerard BEEKEMA / 595 points
2nd: Max DANA / 255 points
3rd: Jean-Pierre Bernard / 200 points
Sunday morning was market day in the hall of the priory: the market for labels. Nico VERSCHUREN emptied an enormous amount of labels on a table. Collectors were sorting these small pieces of paper as if they were using lenses to remove small stones.
Special thanks :
• To the restaurant "l'orée du bois" for the Friday evening meal and breakfast the next morning with 15 guests who sent word to Xavier, absent: "It starts earlier and earlier .... ";
• To Sophie, the cook of the town hall;
•To Helene, town clerk, for her warm hospitality, availability and a visit with her two "children";
•To Muriel for her excellent gratin dauphinois Saturday afternoon;
•To Rony and Alain for having put their collection of wrappers in the hands of Didier, allowing him to scan 356 of them for their eventual appearance on line;
•To Jean-Francois for decorating the room;
•To Michel, Nikolaus, Lindsey and Xavier who have been instrumental in increasing the collection of butter wrappers for Didier.
•To Nico who was honored by "Courrier Picard" in the Thursday, September 29th article announcing the event.
•To Alain SQUADRELLI who always promises to us his attractive book on fruit wrappers and we are waiting all the while...
The next get together :
The 7th meeting will be held in Authie on the 6th and 7th of October, 2012. Those who won't come will be sorry....